Caring for animals

As part of our stewardship, we are committed to providing a safe and nurturing environment for our beloved animals, at Azahara. They include two Arabian horses, our Andalusian donkey ZamZam, a growing family of cats, and hens.

Each animal is a unique gift and an essential part of the community. They enrich the land, minimise food waste (also used in composting), aid local food production and are our healing companions.

Cats from nearby valleys also often find their way to Azahara, looking for food and shelter. They become cherished members of the Azahara family, bringing with them continued blessings.

Your donations could support our efforts to care for our animals by contributing to the cost of providing the following essentials:

Nutritious food

We try to ensure our animals receive balanced diets suited to their specific needs. Our animals are mostly fed on organic food from Azahara but where there are shortages, we strive to ensure that we purchase high-quality and nutritious foods.

Shelter Maintenance

Providing safe and comfortable living spaces to protect them from the elements such as storms. To-date we have constructed a shelter for our donkey Zam Zam, as well as a secure enclosure for the hens to protect them from wild animal attacks that are frequent in the region.

Veterinary Care

We strive to provide regular health check-ups for our  animals, to promote their well-being, Whereas our cats sometimes require treatment or emergency medical care in the event of injuries, eye-infections, or when delivering kittens.

Make an impact today

Your donations will go where they're needed most across different areas. The amounts shown are examples of how your contribution could be used. Please subscribe to the mailing list to receive quarterly donor updates.

Your donations will go where they're needed most across different areas. The amounts shown are examples of how your contribution could be used. Please subscribe to the mailing list to receive quarterly donor updates.